DEMAND RESPONSE: what is it? – Click here for new infographics in 4 languages

Demand response: what is it? Here the infographics in 4 languages created by CEL! CLICK TO OPEN IN EACH LENGUAGES ⇓ Ingraphics_ENG English version Ingraphics_ITA Italian version Ingraphics_NL Flemish version Infographics_RO Romanian version
OPEN DAY in ASM Terni, on October 26, 2023!

On October 26, 2023, ASM oranized a hybrid Open Day, in presence for the citizens of Terni and remotely for the project partners. During the event the project partners presented on the following topics: • Vincenzo Croce introduced BRIGHT and reported tools deployed in Terni. • ASM gave an overview on regulations for energy communities […]
BRIGHT at FLEXCON2023 in Brussels, on September 20-21, 2023!

Follow us at FLEXCON2023 in Brussels, on September 20-21, 2023! Vincenzo Croce, Project Manager at BRIGHT the EU project, will present demand response through community-level consumer engagement leveraging on blockchain and digital twin technologies combined with a social approach! Find more information at: FLEXCON 2023 is brought to you by: Flexiblepower Alliance Network – […]
Energy efficiency and innovative solutions leveraging advanced technologies: mutual objectives of BRIGHT and MATRYCS projects

Two Horizon 2020 funded projects, BRIGHT and MATRYCS, focus on energy efficiency and create innovative solutions that leverage advanced technologies. Their mutual objective is to promote sustainable energy practices, improve grid flexibility, and optimize building energy consumption. Let’s introduce shared tools and objectives. Both projects embrace technological advancements. BRIGHT uses blockchain-based flexibility marketplace, MATRYCS uses […]
“I-COM” meeting in ASM: discussion about BRIGHT project and customer engagement actions

ASM Terni has started to organize regular meetings with “I-COM” group to discuss strategies addressed to customer engagement which is one of the main objectives of the BRIGHT project. I-COM group consists of various external stakeholders as well as internal stakeholders of our company. In addition to providing context on project BRIGHT, they were also […]
BRIGHT project presentation during the General Assembly of BEUC

Presentation of BRIGHT project during the General Assembly of BEUC – the European consumers organisation The consumer-related aspects of the BRIGHT project were presented during the General Assembly of BEUC, the European consumer umbrella organisation. It was one of several occasions when BEUC was informed about the running of this European project. The presentation […]
DEMAND RESPONSE: what is it? – Click here for the VIDEO !

Demand response: what is it? Here the new VIDEO
BRIGHT podcast at ENLIT

Vincenzo Croce, the BRIGHT project’s coordinator discussed on ENLIT, among other things, the concept and objectives of the project. The interview: Would you please describe in a few words the BRIGHT project? Bright is promoting an ecosystem to promote users communities in DR programs, trading of energy and flexibility. Which needs of the EU energy […]
Developing new energy services on top of existing technologies – 2nd Open Call for I-NERGY project

I-NERGY has launched its last Open Call, apply before 12th December 2022! WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? A technology/service provider and an infraestructure provider willing to apply jointly as a consortium to our last open call. TO DO WHAT? To develop new energy services on top of existing technologies (Minimum Viable Products). Services for an energy-related […]
News from DuCoop: a new demand response opportunity for consumer engagement!

Since September, a new batch of inhabitants is slowly taking residence in the finished buildings of the second building phase at the pilot site of De Nieuwe Dokken. In addition to the 90 families and SMEs that have been located in the Faar and Dek buildings for two years already, another 80 families will soon […]