Bright Project

TNO will present BRIGHT at the Sustainable Places 2022 conference in Nice

On 8 September TNO will present and discuss the BRIGHT framework, methods and strategies for citizen and consumer engagement in the development of Demand – Response instruments, at the Sustainable Places conference in Nice, France: Home – Sustainable Places (SP). The BRIGHT presentation is part of a joint workshop with five other European research and […]

DuCoop held a first citizen engagement workshop

On June 4th, DuCoop, managing the Belgian pilot of Bright, held a first citizen engagement workshop. Pilot inhabitants, all receiving sustainability services from DuCoop, were invited to participate and start a co-creation process to develop future energy services. During the workshop, the Bright project was introduced, as well as the energy services that are currently […]

“Green Energy Saves the Earth”: ASM explained the energy transition concept

“Green Energy Saves the Earth”, is the students’ convincement from various European schools. On April the 27, 2022 ASM hosted, in Terni, about 40 secondary school students coming from Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy and Croatia, involved in a cultural Erasmus program on sustainability and green energy. During the event, the R&D Unit of ASM […]

First version of the Bright energy prediction tool on Deliverable D4.2

The deliverable reports the implementation of the 1st version of the Bright energy prediction tool. Machine learning models are used to analyze the energy data streams and to predict the energy demand, generation, and flexibility. In the prediction process, two types of features have been used, ones that are derived from the monitored energy data […]

International Webinar on Smart Grid and Green Energy Systems

As part of the European Green Deal, in September 2020 the European Commission announced its intention to achieve three key objectives by 2030: a reduction of at least 40% of greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990 levels), a share of at least 32% renewable energy and an improvement of at least 32.5% in energy efficiency. […]

Looking for SMEs and Startups in the AI/Energy sector

I-NERGY has LAUNCHED ITS 1ST OPEN CALL I-NERGY has launched its first Open Call, which will be open from 8th November 2021 (9:00 CET) to 20th January 2022 (17.00 CET) for applicants to submit their applications. I-NERGY is an EU funded H2020 innovation project around Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Next Generation Energy aiming at reshaping the energy sector value chain towards better business and operational […]

ASM represented BRIGHT at the conference Terni Energy Day

“We cannot wait anymore! We need to move toward a more sustainable development and climate resilience… and the main enabler is the energy transition“. About 90 participants coming from the government sector, university, industry and civil society actively discussed this topic and related issues during the first edition of the “Terni Energy Day ” event, […]

Renewables overtake fossil fuels across the EU

For the first time, renewable energy produced more electricity than fossil fuels across the EU. We can also observe an increase in residential solar power plant installations. More and more homeowners are deciding to switch to solar energy, which helps them lead a more self-sustained household. It lowers their overall energy costs and is beneficial […]

Nieuwe Dokken district virtual power plant official opening

During a press meeting on June 2, the Belgian federal minister for Energy Tinne Van Der Straeten officially opened the Nieuwe Dokken district virtual power plant. Electricity consumption and storage is now managed to match local renewable energy production. At full deployment, this newly built urban district in Ghent will attain more than 400 housing […]

Electric car ownership: an affordable option for consumers

Between July 2020 and March 2021, the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) and nine of its members commissioned a study on the lifetime cost of passenger cars. Conducted at European level and within nine countries, it compares the costs of owning diesel and petrol hybrid, plug-in hybrid, hydrogen and battery electric vehicles over their entire lifetime […]